I'm sitting in bed next to a sleeping lois in whitechapel. shes knackered cos shes been working all day and then we went to gay pride in soho and got a bit tiddly and had chinese and ice cream. But i'm chronically nocturnal and I was lying looking at the stars from the massive open window and the steam rising from the hospital incinerator and my head was whirring so I started to type.
I've played a lot of pokemon since I moved out of halls. (maybe its a clinging on to doing stupidly childish timewasting stuff leftover from furzedown) Sabine got me into it, so I blame her. basically what I didnt realise is that you can download a gameboy visualiser thing onto your laptop and then play loads of different gameboy games on it AND you dont even have to play it little, you can make it full screen if you like!
The last time i played pokemon was when i was about 9, so it was familiar but i didnt know it back to front (like sabine haaar har) I got sapphire only cus it was the first that happened to work when i downloaded it. im actually finding it enjoyably challenging, but training up my pokemon in the long grass was a little monotonous. the game is pretty funny, I saved some screen shots of the bits that made me laugh:
what's the obsession with the soil being 'soft and loamy'??? anyway i had to stop because when i went to bed the trees outside my window looked like pokemon (a charizard and an abra to be precise) and then i had horrible swirly dreams about pokemon battles where i couldnt work out which types were most effective against each other. (cos its not logical right, fire is really effective against electric, but theyre all metal and stuff??)
im working on monday for two weeks and its a fine job but really mind numbingly boring sometimes so i need stuff to occupy my head with like, interesting things so if anyone has any cool thought provoking stuff i could do with it about now. all im going on at the moment is the TED lectures, ive watched one today - was about cognitive surplus, pretty much my area.. and it was about how people are really generous and enjoy sharing and we've not realised this as much as we have in the new digital world and stuff.
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