Saturday, 10 July 2010


This post is to celebrate my Brian Cox video having over 1,000 views!

I made the video a few months ago, before the Wonders series had even finished. I heard the Owl City song and just got this UNCONTROLLABLE urge to make this video. Which is always the best kind of urge when undertaking an editing project. I scoured the internet to find a way of making iplayer downloads editable, a process which I will NOT be revealing here.... Suffice to say it is very complicated. I used two of the episodes, and edited it right down to the most artyfarty pretty shots - Of which there are MANY because the cameraman is clearly in love with Brian. (who isn't?)
So it's had 1,100 views today. I have been watching the views go up almost obsessively. I especially enjoy the 'discovery' tab which shows me how people are finding the video...

Now the yellow bits are where my video has been on 'featured video' which is totally cool!
But I get a lot of views from people looking for that bloody 'Brian Cox Spoof' video because mine is a response to it. Yes its funny, but it got 131,158 views in the same time that mine got 1,000 and that pisses me off. Because mine had ten times the work go into it. *sulk*
But on a positive note, the video has gone down very well, with a bunch of people favouriting it and one guy even stole it and uploaded it seperately! ...I chased him up and made him take it down. Turns out they're hankering for a better quality upload, which turns out to be trickier than anticipated.
As for whether Brian himself has seen it, who can tell, but I sent it to him a gadzillion times so lets hope so. :)

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